Snow blows, tree shrugs and roof slides at an Adirondack lakefront property

Snow falls from pine branches after storm

Winter entertainment with cameras set at a cabin next to Newcomb’s Goodnow flow in the NY Adirondacks

My Adirondack cabin is lakeside by the Goodnow Flow, a private lake in Newcomb NY. Generally, I’m not at the cabin in winter as its really set up for three seasons, but I have multiple cameras running.  The cameras are motion triggered (generally ReoLink 4 megapixel units). Mostly I’m watching for wildlife but the weather also provides viewing distraction monitored from my Albany home 115 miles away. Click each image in the panels to start embedded videos that are on YouTube.

Other folks have better insulated housing and enjoy a variety of winter activities around the lake and Newcomb. The average snowfall is 100+inches per year but totals vary with the year and max snow on the ground usually tops out at 2 ft with thaws limiting the accumulation.

Snow blows out on a Newcomb Adirondack Lake

There are days when loose snow on the frozen lake is blown across the Flow.  Usually its out on the main body of the lake, running west to east.  Sometimes its closer inside my bay.  I can see gusts of up to 25 mph at my weather station but the bay is protected and gusts out on the main drag could be hitting 45 mph. You get straight line blows but sometimes there are snow devils dancing out there too.

Snow Devils at the Goodnow Flow, an Adirondack lake

The blown snow sometimes swirls to transiently form Snow Devils instead of linear blows down the Flow. Sometimes they are inside the bay next to my Adirondack property so there is more detail caught on camera.

Tree shrug at my Adirondack cabin after snow storms

The branches of the pines get weighed down by snow and tend to flex back the day after storms, producing a transient showers of snow, also loose snow on the roof can get stirred up by gusts. These shots work best when backlit by sun, there is one clip that lacks sun and the video lacks the impact of the others.

Snow slides off the roof at my lakefront Newcomb cabin

When there is enough snow build up it will slide off the metal roofs, especially with a bit of warming.  The snow has generally converted to ‘snice’ by the time it slides.  The ice is destructive! I position cameras close into the cabin walls so they don’t get wacked and last fall I spent an hour pre-winter making sure that internet cables running out to remote cameras were out of the danger zone (also I tend to loop the cables around beams so that they won’t drag on routers and such if they are caught and dragged).   

My realtor told me to move an existing picnic table to avoid the falling ice ….. I did, but then one of the many dead pines snapped and destroyed the table in its fall! The slides often knock my metal woodstove chimney-extension out of line (you can see this in a picture of the cabin) – repositioning it is often one of my first spring-visit tasks.

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